Tuesday, January 27, 2009

get tangledd up in me.

"I've come to my senses,

That I've become senseless,

I could give you lessons on how to ruin your friendships."

- less than jake, "the science of selling yourself short

So my brother introduced me to that song,

the chorus is .." And i think it's fine by me, that i'm my own worst enemy. "

I think that can be so true of me sometimes. Like I put myself down so much, and i dont think people like me...like i got invited to gars and i was like (in my head :P) "omg he totally didnt invite me, i invited myself, he doesn't want me there i know it, i bet it was cancelled & im gonna show up at his house like an idot, omgg i shouldnt go!" haha thts really how i was :p it was sad. and then of course i got there and everything was fine.

People especially girls, and especially me :p, seem to be there own worst enemys so much which is why i adore this quote::

Promise yourself to be so strong

that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

Look at the sunny side of everything

and make your optimism come true.

Think only of the best,

work only for the best, and expect only the best.

Forget the mistakes of the past

and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

Give so much time to the improvement of yourself,

that you have no time to criticize others.

Live in faith that the whole world is on your side,

so long that you are true to the best that is in you!”

Seriously, the best quote in the world,

i need to live my life by this,

I love the the line "Live in faith that the whole world is on your side"

If you truly believed that, think how much different things would be!

No more, "well they dont like me" "she hates me" "he thinks im a whore"

nothing like that.

You would believe that others believed in you, and therefore you would believe in yourself.

Now think about this anj :)

Those who you really care about, your friends, your family, the people you truly like,

They do beleive in you! They believe the best of u (well not always :p, but most of the time), they want whats best for you, they want you to suceed. Those are the opinions we should really care about, not jealous people, not shallow people, not people who want to see us fall. NO.

oh and guess what else?

God, whos opinion really matters the most, he sees you as his daughter, and he loves you unconditionally no matter what, he forgives you no matter what you do, he looks out for you always! God is the perfect friend, and hes always always looking out for you!

I dont know about you, but knowing all that, makes me feel a little bit better about myself.

and maybe maggie wont be my worst enemy ?



Anja said...

perfect. i love it.
especially that line about faith. that is so true. how much better would our lives be, how much more real time would we have to better our lives and betters others, if we always believed that. and thanks for the amazing words at the end. love you :D