Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i have a long list of things to say, but i'll leave it at you amaze me.

"Always do what you are afraid to do."— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Moood: Happy/Mellowish? :p
Listening to: Black Balloon- Goo Goo Dolls
Indecesive about: you-know-what :p
angered by: the fact that i have a million things to study for
inspired by: You :)

as usual.
quite crazy.
the whole garrett thing, stressed me out :p
but i think i'm decided to do it.
but of course with the rules
and defenitely keeping it a secret.
and ONLY if i really want to, like i said keep it fun & spontaneous & non-complicated.
and hopefully it'll end the way(S) i want it too. with either...
A. us both liking eachother & Admitting it.
B. Me getting over him.
C. Having mucho fun minus complications


now all we have to do is find you a hookup buddy :p haha
kidding, i know you dont like anyone
which is actually good anj, boys are annoying and complicated
and boyfriends it seems, only complicate things
just stay friends (or benefriends...? :P) for now.
like i know that sounds gay and mom-ish but its true.
:) from what i've learned anyway.

So me and you really need to hangout, i miss you..dearly
and i'm excited about hanging out
and you knoww potentially :p
btw did u talk to shan yet?
thats quite importante my dear...

so im gonna stop blogging and study
but i shall defenitely be talking to u soon
considering its 9:05 :p


Anja said...

haha i lovee this.
and i am very extremely amazingly excited for youu like yay :D haha if i cant have fun then i enjoy you having fun and then telling me about it :p
benefriendss. haha i kinda would like one. ideas ? :p
but this is good, and your list of what could happen is good and true, you really cant lose. :D