Monday, March 9, 2009

oh i thought the world of you.

" Mirror mirror can you tellIf they are kneeling in confession or if they just fellThe mirror looks back and it knows damn well. It’s really hard living when you’re living with yourself"

" He makes me smile without even trying. If I said I didn’t feel something for him, I’d be lying."

"This is your choice, it's black or white and not a shade of grey. Because when you love someone, there's no such thing as half way"

"we dont need drugs, we're naturally messed up"

today is asdjfhdk.
quote for the day... "Beautiful as this whole world can be and you just don't see it."
i dont know how I feel, I feel weird, and confused and much too serious about it.
i dont know i feel like he had his chance to say something and he just didnt...
and i'm not gonna fawn all over him if he doesnt like me
haha so im gonna be imature and ignore him
unfortunately i can fool him and others but i cant fool myself,
and his name is still the first one i look for on facebook chat
and i still check his statuses
and im a sad sad person :p
i gave myself last night to get over him, i was like alright maggie
you have one night to be sad and obsess and then your done
no more talking to him on facebook (unless he initiates it)
no more flirting and sitting next to him
and acting like u like him so much.
u can have tonight to miss him and be sad
then ur done!
but yeah i fail
(as usual)
and yes im going to act like that, but i can't stop myself from thinking about him
God i didnt even know i liked him this much, it was like i was too afraid
wayy to afraid, to admit it, even too myself, because i know theres a big chance
i can fail, and you what there still, which is maybe why i should just give it up now
before i get in way too deep.
i dont know what to think, i don't know what to feel, i dont even know if he's for real.
so what to do?
i dont know.
i guess ill just see what happens, and ill protect myself, because
i really dont wanna get hurt.


Anja said...

this is exactly exactly exactly how i feel.
we both fail at giving them up, dont we?
those quotes are beautiful too.
it's hard i know. and its gunna be hard.
but like if you keep with it. something great could happen. i know how it is to be scared tho. like thats real. alekjnrlekjre. i wish i could give you better advice on this but im going through the exact same thing.