Thursday, April 30, 2009
the love on your lips, sweetheart, im sorry but your not the first.
Posted by maggs at 4:47 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
no matter what i do, i always forget to forget you.

Posted by maggs at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
i'm unusually hard to hold on too.
Posted by maggs at 6:25 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
the inside lingo had me at hello.
Posted by maggs at 1:56 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
do you remember when our lips we're bestfriends?
"We were over from the start."
hello there how you doing, ive got all these thoughts just floating through my brain.
so i miss blogging and ive noticed that i've been ranting to people (namely you anj)
so this made me realize that i desperately need to blog as well.
i dont really have a topic for the day, just gonna rant and rave and write whatever..k cool? :]
my name is maggie, actually marjorie elise, i used to want to change it to allie, allie was my favorite name i dont know why, once i wrote a letter to my parents, saying i was running away because they were being so difficult, and then i signed it allie, haha. in elementary school a lot of my teachers hated me isnt that nice? there was only 2 i loved, Mrs. Puckett and Mr. B, first and fourth gradee were probally the best school years. i always wanted to go to public school, i used to beg my parents to let me, like for serious hours and i would cry and cry and scream and fight. and now they;re letting me and i dont even know if i wanna go anymore, how messed up and weird is that? I feel like ii should take a risk and go and just do it, but at the same time i love my friends and i dont wanna get all messed up. my brother just got out of the shower, and he smells weird, like clean weird, and i just identified the scent...he smells like fresh tampons, ew. haha. i like to read other peoples blogs. its fun, i find people really intriging and it bothers me when people are boring, like yay we have nothing to talk about? i feel like if people aim me they should have things to talk about like dont im me so u can be like "hey, whatsup" and then go into the oh so intelligant, so....." that is so obnoxious it makes me want to scream. gah, i mean im sure everyone is interesting right? like my brother sam, he cant really hold a conversation with normal people, hes deemed quiet, but to me he could talk for like hours, maybe because we know eachother so well who knows? i brought an audiobook today, and thought i would hate it but i actually loved it :) it twas great. so, u know how when u listen to a song, and they really mean something to you and apply to ur life and such ? well if u think about many other people have heard that song hm? and thought it applied to their life..
k im done, raise ur hand if u care.
hah :p
so anyway back to the real world.
"Lets destroy eachother
cause we're too cool for lovelines,
soft kisses over cheap wines
smoke me baby like your last cigarette
whisper to me, say you'll never forget, could you break my heart a little more?
Shove my body up against yours
and kiss me like you mean it
anything worth a taste burns as it goes down
could you tell me i'm so Audrey Hepburn
when my hair falls to the side?
and say, " Girl, im not here to love you tender,
i'm just here for the ride."
Let's blind ourselves by love and be deaf to all who say it's fatal
its not that we dont know
its just that we don't care. "
^ hello me and gar quote.
i shall tell u those details tomorrow
Posted by maggs at 10:27 PM 0 comments