highlight of the day: seeing you and shan and both sarahs =] and track being cancelled!
lowss: hicky nonsense, people being odd. =p oh yeah and FREAKIN SCHOOL =p
we made it through the worse anj.
thank the lord.
seriously this day seemed terribly long
and i dont know, some people seemed weird,
matt for instance :p ever since he ditched us monday hes been gayy
as anythingg :p
but whatever, hes probally in one of his dumb mooods again.
so anj, i wanted to tell you how much i loveee you :)
and i appriciate you and honestly dont know what i would do without you
i can tell you anything and i pretty much do ;]
you encourage me so much and help me out soo much
and you are suchh a good friend.
and i hope i can be just as good as a friend too you too =]
this is what happens when i have too much time.
i think too much about things.
i think this is a problem
i'm seriouslyy insane.
but its okay its whatever.
so the garrett thing.
idon't wanna become too dependent
because we talk ALL the time
and all.
but idk i defenitely don't have his heart
and he doesnt nor do i want him to have mine.
so i try to keep it completely superficial/benefriend releted
when we talk
so i dont get to know him and fallfor him
=p or u know vice versa.
but its still hard. we have this weird realationship
but i think as long as i chill and not think about it too hard
im completely fine
yet this is hard, i know im crazy
i sorta love blogging
im doing it more :)
and u better too
because regardless of what you say anj, u are inspiring, you inspire me everyday, and you defenitely have things to write about.
i feel helpless sometimes, this world is just crazy, and i wish i was more in control
which is why the gar thing is good, because thts one thing i am in control ofyou know.
but i suppose thts a hell of a lot harmless than an eating disorder or somthing like tht.
i just dont know .
i dont want it to get too out of hand tho
keep it fun and not to serious,
i think i should probally stop him at this stage for awhile
because if i go farther than this
i know im gonna get attached, more than i already am at this point anyway, seriously whenever i hear a playlistsong it reminds me of him =p
and i feel like things are changing too.... like its almost summer
and the years winding down
and some people like matt are goingto different schools next years
and maybe i am too ? i dont know, ill save that decision for another time defenitely :p
thats what i mean about feeling out of control.
i love change
and at the sametime i hate it .
dear lord, im insane.
lovethis :]
title, picture, everything.
and thanks for what you said about me.
i love you so much. you're the best, really.
and i totally get what you mean about being in control of the gar thing, i didnt think of it that way before.
all in all, you make a lot of sense, really.
the worst is over.
and ill always be with you
and ill always be there to shoot down rumors :p
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