"Boys are dangerous. "
Like they really are. to me anyway.
I can be really challenged when it comes to guys, idk why.
I just want the perfect one. But every guy who has potential seems to ruin it
in one way or another.... My friend taylor has this issue. It's like she loves loves loves a guy, and she obsesses over them and talks to them and flirts with them and all. Then when they start to like her, its like Bam! she doesnt like them anymore and they get annoying and stff, and i can be like tht too alot... but i don't want to be! haha because its like you teasee a guy insanely and then they like you and you stop which is el badd :p
so i dunno, i kind of like some guys, or i think i do, its an off and on thing :p
but i don't wanna get attached to a guy or obsess over him or anything haha which is why i'm kinda keeping to myself :p I mean to be honest, I like to flirt ! haha and I really like boys and having fun with them. So if I can find a boy, who really likes me and wants to have fun and doesnt want problems, ill take him pleasee :D haha good luck ? :p Obviously i dont want a perfect one (haha impossible!) but just a good one. And when it comes to boys, I've kinda learned to listen to my heart and not other people because honestly only you know who you like, other people cant and wont know how you feel, sometimes you like a person for a reason you can't explain and even if he's a mistake, sometimes it's worth making :D
so remember that, and remember boyss are stupid, and they suck a lot, and they can love us, or they can like us or they can loathe us, but as long as we're in control, who cares? we can move on or stay and have fun :D
never let a boy control ur emotions !
(this is the post tht inspired me :]] )
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