good mood tonite :D
hmm i'm feeling in the mood for a nice chill post haha :p so im gonna post awesome quotes that are inspiring :p nd then a survey ;p haha

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
" Care what others think and you'll always be their prisoner"
"a beautiful thing, is never perfect."
For the following questions, please bold the correct answer [true/false].
1. I like creamy soups rather than watery ones.[true/false]
2.English is my strongest subject.[true/false]
3. I save pictures that make me giggle on my computer.[true/false]
4. I lurk on[true/false]
5. My big toe is larger than my second toe.[true/false]
6. If I could, I would buy all my home furnishings from Urban Outfitters.[true/false]
7. I enjoy listening to foreign music.[true/false]
8. I should be doing something other than filling out a survey right now.[true/false]
9. I have broken one of my new years resolutions already.[true/false]
10. If I could sit and fill out surveys all day, I would.[true/false]
Directions: For this next sections, please fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. I have [sooo many] books on my bookshelf.
2. My favorite four letter word is [babe :)].
3. My dreams usually include [love scences ahaa].
4. Lolcats are [what are thosee?].
5. The last thing I purchased was [urm m&ms].
6. I [likeee :)] buttons.
7. [Amazing people] are my friends.
8. My [backk?] hurts.
9. I enjoy [chocolate] flavored [milkshakes :p].
10. Pinkberry is [what?].
Directions: For the next section, please choose the letter
[A, B, C, D, or E.] that you feel is the best answer.
1. A friend calls you at three in the morning. Do you pick it up and What is it about?
A. NO. Whatever it is, it can wait until I'm sane.
B. Yes, her boyfriend is a fucking jerk and he just dumped her.
C. Yes, she's up studying and needs the answer to a certain question.
D. Yes, she just wanted to bother the shit out of you.
2. These bands sing about my life and experiences.
A. My Chemical Romance/As I lay Dying/Dance Gavin Dance
B. Panic at the Disco/Cute is What We Aim For/Karate High School
C. Eisley/Augustana/The Rocket Summer
D. The Beatles/Beruit/Ben Folds
E. Moldy Peaches/Lemon Demon/Adam and Andrew
3. You enter your local craft store. You head for the _______ department.
A. Yarn.
B. Paint.
C. Bead.
D. Fabric.
E. Other __ribbons!
4. You step into the shower, what do you do first?
A. Crank up the heat.
B. Shampoo your hair.
C. Shave.
D. Wash your body.
E. I don't bathe.
5. What's your favorite obnoxious action to perform on substitute teachers?
A. Synchronized Pen Drop.
B. Making fart sounds.
C. Synchronized Book Slamming.
D. Playing teacher's pet and telling the substitute to do things, saying that your teacher always does them.
E. Spitballs, FTW.
Directions: For this next section, please give a short answer for each question.
1. How do you deal with pimples? urm, if i get them i exfloiate and then cover them with makeup haha..
2. Describe your favorite body part and explain why you like it. On me: myy eyes i guess and i like my stomach too, because i like the color of my eyes and idk i justt doo :p haha. , on others: hair/eyes/abs haha (guyss :p)
.3. I ran into a farmhouse and talked to a girl. Translate this into whatever language you took in high school: Yo corre (into) la farma-casa (haha) y hable a la chica.
4. Who is your ideal mate? Describe his/her physical and personality traits: NATE, the end. :D
.5. Would you rather be uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold? Why?
Probally cold, sweaty = ew. haha.
6. Write down your favorite song lyrics. asdfghjjk; theres too many.
7. Describe the perfect outfit.: makes me feel gorgeous.
9. Explain how you got your last bruise. : el snowboarding
10. Tell me about your favorite television commercial: i dont really watch t.v. that much, not gonna lie. Pretty much anything funnyy.
yay :]]
i love the quotes. and the pictures especially the one that says dont forget to fly. thats so true!! dont ever forget it :]
and a survey YAY! at first i couldnt find this post because it randomly put it like under 3 other posts.. haha its all good! :D good post my dear :]]
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