"Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate,
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything,
we're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us,"
Sad and delicate,
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything,
we're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us,"

So, I love the piano picture. because it's like this thing thats mangled and destroyed
but it has love in the middle of it, and so it makes it beautiful
and you know what? I think that how love is for real.
It's not always this amazing thing, with doddled hearts, and red roses.
It's beauty in the breakdown, it's bittersweet. that's true love.
Which brings me to my love "issues" haha.... (top pic)
Like usually I'm fine with guys if I like someone i like them , you know?
But lately, I've been so weird, it's like ill flirt with a guy and smile at him and be really nice , then when he starts liking me I stop, bascially its like i like him until he likes me.
It's like i go wayyy too fast and then crash to a stop before he even knows what happened? haha i feel weird about it, i just need to stop. haha i don't know, I talked to matt about it, he was like you just need to find someone you really like. Maybe I just like the challenge of chasing after guys and trying to get them to like me and then when they do, i get bored? haha i don't know. I wanna like someone on one hand and then on the other im like nahh, i feel freeer.
God, i am complicated. Advice on this? Pleasee. haha
"I'm never taking chances, you tell me life is a risk.."
taking risks, I'm all for it, live a little, you know?
But when does taking risks become too much? Do you ever feel like
theres this line that everyone else sees, but you dont, And you tiptoe around it, because you don't know if you're gonna cross it or not ? That's how I feel, its like, everyone has there own line, and you can't please everyone. But i feel like i, i just don't know its so hard to do the right thing. Because theres fun and i wanna take risks, but i dont wanna cross everyone's line. im just conflicted about this, it's been bothering me...completely.
And I'm babbling...haha so I'm gonna post this.
:) maggs.
(sorry it took so long blogger kept messing me up!!)
i love those pictures. especially the second one its so true and sad. and i know what you mean about guys like i think you might have to take it slower, kind of scopee out the guys and become good friends before you flirt to make it easier on you. and being single is great too so dont worry about that! and i especially agree with what you said about love how its beauty in the breakdown. thats so perfect and true. <33
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