So, today is pretty chill. i suppose. I've just been thinking lately about a lot of things, and I think if I focus, and start making right decisions and being positive, everything is gonna work out! haha I love the juicy graphic up top, because some girls are born winners, and i think me & u anja, are two of those girls, but being born a winner and staying a winner are two different things, and I think we just need to keep doing our best :D and we'll be great.

i like that one too, ^ because girls (haha especially me) always seem to obsess so much about guys, like even if I don't specifically like anyone, a lot of the stuff i do is motivated by guys , like oh I have to do my hair and look cute and etc. etc. And that's kinda stupidd haha. Like guys are totally not worth that! So from now, I'm just gonna focus on the important things in my life, the things that I really care about, you know? Focus on God, and friends, family and important stuff, and I think that all those little problems that seem so big will go away and i'll be happier. :D it's one of the reasons I quitting cheer. I wanna be like him (below), letting go and enjoying life,
every single day. 
<3 maggs.
i love those graphics.
and thats so true. some girls really are born winners and we both were, for sure. we just gotta stay strong and keep that going :]
i wish i was in that guy's position. to feel so free like that must be so exhilarating.
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