[NOW ]
Current mood: exciteddd
Current music: christmas music..psh what else?
Current taste: in my mouth? de nada
Current hair: stickk straight =] haha and down.
Current clothes: ho ho ho pajama pants and a my chemical romance shirtt
Current annoyance: worrying about my presents? aha and this kid who keeps stalking me on facebook.... :pp
Current smell: nothing really...theyre cooking downstairs but I can't smell it...
Current thing I should be doing: getting dressed? haha its 3:00 :p
Current windows open: i don't think any are
Current desktop picture: theres actually no pictures on here..kinda weird..
Current favorite band: theress too many.
Current book: I actually started re-reading breaking dawn last nite
Current cd in stereo: james taylor christmas cd haha its on right now. i <3>
Current crush: no one realllyy haha for once :p im sure they'll be someone soon
Current favorite celeb: blake lively
[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: nopee
Do drugs?: that;s stupid
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not really. i have before tho.
Remember your first love?: yupp, my old neighbor nick haha
Still love him/her?: haha noo i haven't seen him in foreverr.
Read the newspaper?: not at all.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: haha yeaa.
Believe in miracles?: for the most part.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: hmmm yeah i guess, its hard tho.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: uhm yeah, but defenitely not all the time
Consider love a mistake?: not love but sometimes who you love is a mistake
Like the taste of alcohol?: some of it.
Have a favorite candy?: nerds, gummi worms, gummi bears
Believe in astrology?: nahh.
Believe in magic?: sometimes.
Believe in god?: of course.
Have any pets: spikeyy =]
Go to or plan to go to college: defenitely plan to .
Have any piercings?: haha ive gotten my ears pierced A LOT
Have any tattoos?: not yet..
Hate yourself: sometimes.
Have an obsession?: defenitely
Have a secret crush?: yeahhh haha.
Have a best friend?: lots.
Wish on stars?: occasionally.
Ever been in love?:yeah.
When did you lose your virginity?: haven't yet.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: haha sometimes.
Do you believe in "the one?": yuppp.
Describe your ideal significant other: as long as his name is nate :p ask me about the rest, i don't know someone wouldn't have to be my perfect ideal to be exactly what I need..
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: hahhaha yupp
Have you ever been intoxicated?:as in drunk? yess.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": haha yeah.
Are you a tease?: a lot of people say that, and i can be but as a rule nahh.
Shy to make the first move?: i don't make the first move, u know as a rule
Hair: long dirty blonde curlyy curly hair =]
Eyes: blue.
Height: 5'2'', im suchaa shorty
Bought: a cokee.
Ate & Drank: a piece of pizza and lemonade iced tea, i know oh-so-christmasyy haha
Read: breakingg dawn
Watched on TV: i think oliver is on downstairs but im not watching it...
beer or cider: cider i guess. beer=eww
drinks or shots: drinks.
cats or dogs: dogs.
single or taken: depends on the person im taken by? haha
pen or pencil: depends what im doing, gosh u need to be more specific :p
gloves or mittens: gloves. mittens are for little kidds haha
food or candy: candy :]
cassette or cd: cd.
coke or pepsi: coke.
kill: hmmm ill get back to you :p
get really wasted with: defenitely not the kid whos been bugging me too. aha, idk my friends i guess?
look like: myself but prettierr :p haha
avoid: annoying people.
saw: my grandparents/brothers/parents
talked to on the phone: hmm my brother i think
hugged: hahaha a random guy in the mall!
instant messaged: facebook chatted work? nathann eww
kissed: blah blah blah. dont kiss & tell ;]
Drank alcohol?: yeah.
Done drugs?: nooopee
Broken the law?: yeaa in some way :p hah
Run away from home?: ive thought about it alot!
Broken a bone?: yes.
Played Truth Or Dare?: duhhh
Kissed someone you didn't know?: yupppp
Been in a fight?: defenitely!
Come close to dying?: proballyy.
[ WHAT IS.. ]
Your bedroom like?: normally? Messy as anything. Today ? Clean :D
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: depends on my mood. but i love honey roasted (or is it coated??) bunches of oats
Your favorite restaurant?:lots but i love sullivans, peking, outback, charthousee :D
What's on your bedside table?: lamp, lots of paper, magazine, a clock, a phone, pic of me and tayy.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: usually drink something, but uhh idk cereal probally, and one time for like a month i would always have a salad craving in the middle of the nite haha it was weirdd.
What is your biggest fear?: being kidnapped or murdered haha. or depressed..
Describe your bed: giant, hot pink and zebraa haha comfortableee :D
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous, plain is so blah.
Do you know how to play poker?: yuppp.
What do you carry with you at all times? ahh nothing that i can think of, im not really the "omgg i must have my phone at all times" type.
How do you drive? decentlyy. and fast haha
What do you miss most about being little? idk i wish i could go back and fix things.
Are you happy with your given name? for the most part.
What color is your bedroom? creamm walls, but theres pinkk everywheree.
Have you ever been in a play? yeahh.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? kinda makes me sad, but sometimes its annoying i guess?
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? usallly :D if ur nice to me ill be nice to u :]