Tuesday, December 9, 2008

i hate c h e e r l e a d i n g !!

dear blogg.
so this is titled. "i hate cheerleading" but the fact is that I dont hate cheerleading itself , in fact I love cheerleading, real cheerleading. But I hate DC varsity cheerleading '08-09 with every bone of my body . haha
but i dont wanna quit, im not a quitter i never have been i always stick it out, always! i don't wanna be labeled a quitter but at the same time I don't wanna spend soo much time doing something i hate. So therefore I am quite conflicted? any ideas? haha
&&* I'm so very sick of school its quite ridiculous, I feel like dropping out in january and getting home schooled for the rest of the yr, me and sarah howell were talking about it today :D it sounded good haha.
im just such a protagonist lately, i dont why. Like usually I'm so motivated to get good grades and look cute and do my hair and dress up and just TRY, you know? but lately it's like I don't even wanna get out of bed! ugh its depressing! Maybe I have mono...haha hopefully :p :P

So i love graphics, and I'd thought I put on some ones that inspire me and explain how I feel right now so here I go...because visuals are always fun :D

(how I feel most times) ^


Anja said...

the graphic about the perfect body, perfect soul?
that makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. because it's so scarily true for me at least.
that's why i obsess about looks. because sometimes, it's the only thing i feel like i have control over.
very well done. :D