that blue is my favorite color :] it's ridiculously gorgeous.
So obviously. i've done a revamp on my blog :D
do u like ? ?
it was fun and i was bored on this monday night :]]
so i had a beyond crazy night last nite and I don't know how it happened
it was superrr weird. haha ( ill tell u about it laterr)
but how is JAMACIA?! u better be able to post! because i'm so gonna miss u on here!
i bet it's amazing and im jeal0us :D haha
but anyways I don't really have an agenda for this post...hmmm.

always wanted, will come the very second

You put on a good show but I'd be willing to bet that
you're suffering more than you let anyone see.
- Twilight
you're suffering more than you let anyone see.
- Twilight

i love break. please never ever end. I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to go back to school. I' m gonna freaking die. haha. hmm homeschool? haha
so last night i hungout with taylor (sorta) haha, and sam perry was there (ew)
and they were talking about rustin and i was just listening; throwing in some
comments here and there, haha and as i listened to them i was just like ugh
these rustin kids sound messed up, do i really want to go therre?
UGH! i just wanna be happy and love my school, god i'm so confused now
I really don't know what I wanna do. :/
love maggss <3
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